Small Business, Faith & Peseverance

Small Business, Faith & Peseverance

Never before has ‘perseverance’ been such a necessity for all of us in Caswell as well as in our state, nation and worldwide as we all make our way through these COVID-19 times. Whether it is working through the challenge of getting to the grocery store with gloves, masks and social distancing or working as a first responder putting lives on the line for others, working with elderly family members to assist in their isolating or the front line grocery and bank workers…it seems that everyone in our community is somehow working their way through day to day life during this pandemic.

Silver the hardware store?

Silver the hardware store?

We’ve all probably said at one time or another, ‘I’ll run to the store really quick to pick up -fill in the blank’. These days when you actually get to the store, you may be met with a line of folks separated by 5-6 feet waiting to go in…what, a line to go in? Looks like this might not be a quick run but may take more time than planned.

Uncharted Partnerships

Uncharted Partnerships

In Caswell County, NC, there is a group of successful businessmen that have retired from their ‘real jobs’ and are now involved in farming. Hearlding from professional backgrounds in energy, engineering, finance, development and the military, the members of the founding group each had some connection to the land in the county.

Social Media to Market Your Farm

Social Media to Market Your Farm

This is the third of three articles on marketing your farm. Step One focused on naming your farm and telling your farm’s unique story. Step Two took this a bit further by discussing the development of a website for your farm where in this story and much more detail about your farm lives. Now with these first two steps in play, you are ready to market your small farm business on social media.

Build a Website for Your Farm

Build a Website for Your Farm

Although there is a popular misconception that Facebook can replace your small business website, there are several key drawbacks.  One is you cannot control your brand on Facebook and your visitors will never have a complete brand experience there as they could have on your own website. A website works as your main resource on all things about your farm providing much more detailed information that is not able to be shared on the social media platform