Silver the hardware store?

We’ve all probably said at one time or another, ‘I’ll run to the store really quick to pick up -fill in the blank’. These days when you actually get to the store, you may be met with a line of folks separated by 5-6 feet waiting to go in…what, a line to go in?  Looks like this might not be a quick run but may take more time than planned. 

Before getting frustrated, maybe pause.  A slower more intentional pace of life.  Isn’t that maybe one of the reasons why we live here in Caswell anyway?  For an easier going and calmer lifestyle.  Appreciating the opportunity to see someone we know when we are out and about and to ‘stop to smell the roses’? 

Spring brings the hustle of renewal and at ACE Home & Building, this time of year is typically a busy one as the team there assists in getting the tools and supplies that customers need to get their spring chores underway.  If you listen to the media for any time, the dark and ominous overcast skies of COVID-19 is overcoming our entire lives and is bringing dark clouds even into rural areas like Caswell.  We are led to believe that all small business has come to an abrupt halt. 

But at ACE Home and Building Center, owner, Brian Lunsford, shared the opposite.  ‘We are doing ok.  We have been busy with our spring business and the virus has not taken a huge toll on us volume wise so far,’ Lunsford said.   

Due to the governor’s order a few weeks ago, the store began to change the customer interaction by moving the check out to the outer area and by having the staff assist each patron with their individual needs.  This protects both the customers and staff from the potential spread of the virus due to store crowding and proximity of others.  It is important to err on the side of caution in situations like this.

Lunsford says, “I have to credit our employees; they are working harder than ever and have been handling our customers with great care.  I can’t believe how hard this has been on them. 

Long time ACE employee, Lawrence Fulcher mentioned that so many customers have expressed their appreciation of “going the extra mile and taking precautions to keep customers safe!”  ACE employees are grateful to be able help the community in a time of need and we certainly appreciate the business.

So next time you need to ‘make that quick trip’ to the hardware store, bank or run through a drive through, please do so with grace and understanding that we really all are in this together.  These are indeed troubled times for our county (and the nation/world), but they do come with silver linings and some can be found in Yanceyville at ACE Home & Building Center.

ACE Home and Building Center has been a member of the Caswell County Chamber of Commerce for over 20 years.  The Chamber in partnership with the Caswell Messenger, is working to share stories of our businesses during this time. Your support in buying local is vital to keep our businesses community intact and contributes to the tax base of our county that provides other services our community needs instead of spending tax dollars in other counties. We thank you for your support.