From Barking Dogs to Phone an industry has changed

From Barking Dogs to Phone an industry has changed

Most of us are probably familiar with security systems of some type these days. The history of their beginnings is quite interesting. In the early days before mechanical or electrical options, people relied on the noises from startled animals and guard dogs as ‘alarm protection’. In the early 1700’s, the first very first creation of an intrusion device was created by an English inventor, Tildeley.

Resilient, Reflective, Resourceful...This Farm Wife

Resilient, Reflective, Resourceful...This Farm Wife

You may have recognized that ‘story telling’ is a trending topic in the world today. Whether it is a big corporation telling a story of why they exist in their commercials or on social media; a small nonprofit letting the community know their story on a website, or an individual that is sharing their story in a book, blog or in other ways; hearing the stories of others helps us all to ‘walk in their shoes’. Appreciating others’ background and identifying common ground helps us all to connect and we in rural communities can certainly relate to that. Story telling is rooted as far back as the scriptures where in the Bible stories

Jumping off the Corporate Tread Mill

Jumping off the Corporate Tread Mill

The decision to intentionally jump off the treadmill of a career composed of ongoing travel, fast paced, intense deadlines and corporate pressure, was indeed planned. Although with 20/20 hindsight maybe it was not as well planned as it could have been. There were times when it really felt like I had fallen off instead. Five years and having spent countless hours on what I call self-work, a completely different life has been created.