Life Beyond the Shadows...

Life Beyond the Shadows...

It all began when her husband returned from the last of 5 Tours of Duty in Iraq.  Jennifer Hambright realized she needed to understand what her husband had been through in service to our nation so she could help him, herself and their marriage survive.  With her husband’s Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), the road to recovery for the couple began; aided significantly with Jennifer enrolling into school to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). 

A Family Running Down Their Dreams

A Family Running Down Their Dreams

The Potter family has very deep seeded roots in the automotive industry. In the 1940s, the late Lee Potter owned a garage in Leasburg and developed a reputation as an A-1 mechanic. In the early 1960’s the lineage continued when the late, Carl Potter and Lee Potter jointly owned and operated the North End Esso gas station and garage in Reidsville. In the mid 1960’s Carl Potter operated Potter’s Garage in Blanch.

The Entreprenuer Within

The Entreprenuer Within

As with many entrepreneurs, Selena developed an additional business out of necessity when she discovered that her sons Immanuel and Isaiah had extremely sensitive skin. Over the counter medications were to no avail. Her grandparents shared a couple of home remedies and they have been successful at providing relief. From there, an idea was born. After attending a conference to learn more, Selena and was inspired to begin to make her own teas, skincare products and healing salves branded as the Supernatural Flower Farm.

Windows of Love...

Windows of Love...

In the midst of the unsettling events with COVID-19 and all the stress upon us all, there remains a ray of hope, love and commitment at the Brian Center Health and Rehabilitation Center. In the aviary room of the facility, there is a gathering of small birds in a cage and a large window overlooking the courtyard. Here, the residents can gather by the window and members of a resident’s family can come to ‘visit’ outside in the courtyard and connect on the phone to ‘chat’. Nothing means more to residents there at the facility unless it is the quality of care they receive from the amazing staff there.

Small Business, Faith & Peseverance

Small Business, Faith & Peseverance

Never before has ‘perseverance’ been such a necessity for all of us in Caswell as well as in our state, nation and worldwide as we all make our way through these COVID-19 times. Whether it is working through the challenge of getting to the grocery store with gloves, masks and social distancing or working as a first responder putting lives on the line for others, working with elderly family members to assist in their isolating or the front line grocery and bank workers…it seems that everyone in our community is somehow working their way through day to day life during this pandemic.